Thursday, February 20, 2025

Getting Work as a Taxonomist

Occasionally, people whom I don't know ask me for career advice in the field of taxonomies, but this is not easy to answer. For taxonomy work, career paths and prior experiences vary, employers span all industries and organization types, job titles and descriptions are not named consistently, and remote jobs are very competitive.

Two chapters in my book, The Accidental Taxonomist, 3rd ed., can help answer career questions, Chapter 2 “Who are Taxonomists” and Chapter 13 “Taxonomy Work and Profession.” However, I have some additional thoughts, which I am sharing here.

Varied taxonomy career paths

When someone asks me for advice on getting into taxonomy work, especially based on my own experience, I am somewhat dismissive, since no one will repeat my career path. I got into controlled vocabulary/taxonomy management work starting out as an indexer using the controlled vocabularies at a periodical article publisher. Not only is such a company rare and industry unusual, but now there are extremely few manual periodical/database indexers, since the task is increasingly done automatically (auto-tagging, auto-classification, text analytics, AI, etc.)

The following are some of the common paths towards taxonomy careers I have seen, and there are many others that are less common.

  • Library/information science > cataloging > metadata
  • Arts, photography, film, media > digital asset management > asset metadata
  • Technical writing > technical content management, content strategy
  • Marketing > web content management, content strategy
  • Languages > linguistics > natural language processing > auto-tagging
  • Languages > translation > terminology management
  • Business management > knowledge management

Of course, in any of the above career paths, one does not have to change careers to become a taxonomist but could merely add taxonomy tasks to an existing career. This is especially the case of the following career backgrounds, in which people may add taxonomy work/projects to an existing technical role:

  • Science/engineering > technical terminology and glossary management
  • Computer science/data science > ontologies
  • Information technology > content management system/SharePoint administration

Taxonomy job search challenges

It’s typical to search for taxonomy jobs on the major job search websites, such as LinkedIn and Indeed. But not all taxonomy jobs have “taxonomist” or “taxonomy” in the job title. They could have job titles instead for ontology/ontologist, information architecture/architect, metadata, content management/manger, data governance, etc. So, then a search could be on “taxonomy” in the job description rather than limited to the job title, but this results in many more irrelevant jobs that merely touch on taxonomies but don’t involve developing/managing taxonomies.

Taxonomist jobs are relatively rare compared to traditional jobs. Limiting a job search to a specific metropolitan area will yield few, if any, relevant results. The exceptions, where taxonomist jobs are more frequent tend to be Seattle, San Francisco Bay Area, Austin, New York, and Washington, DC. Taxonomist jobs in other countries exist but are less common than in the United States.  Expanding a job search to all jobs mentioning “taxonomy” in the description, not just the job title, and expanding it to all of the United States will retrieve too many results, but this is a good approach to take in other countries. There is the added complication that “taxonomist” job searches can retrieve jobs postings for biologist-taxonomists.

Fortunately, many taxonomist jobs are remote.  The downside to this, though, is that fully remote taxonomist job postings attract a high number of applicants, so the competition for such jobs is great. Where LinkedIn indicates the number of people who click on an application link on a job post, remote taxonomist jobs have received over 100 applicant clicks in just a couple of days. 

A significant number of taxonomist jobs are temporary contracts, which are hired through recruiting firms. This is an option for someone not currently employed, but, obviously it's not a good idea to leave a permanent job for a temporary one.

Taxonomy skills and skills acquisition

There is not a standard set of skills for a taxonomist, other than prior taxonomy experience. Positions may ask for additional skills in varied areas:  

  • experience with content management systems, digital asset management systems, or product information management systems
  • familiarity with AI, machine learning, natural language processing, auto-classification, etc.
  • experience working with large datasets
  • experience designing ontologies and working with knowledge graphs
  • technical skills with using SPARQL, SQL, and Python

Furthermore, positions may also ask for experience with specific taxonomy management software or specific subject domain knowledge (e.g. finance or healthcare). As a result, it’s rare for one applicant to meet all the experience and skills required. Applicants understand this and may apply anyway.

Taxonomy jobs and the skills expected in such jobs vary. Thus, to become a highly competent taxonomist generally requires experience from multiple different employers. I have learned a great deal having done different kinds of taxonomy work for different companies. It can be difficult to get the first taxonomist job, though. The best approach is to obtain taxonomy work, such as through a project, while in a role that is not a dedicated taxonomist. A lot of taxonomy work is done as part of a job that has other duties.

However, a single taxonomy project as part of a job is often not enough experience to jump to a dedicated taxonomist position. Some training to round out one’s knowledge and to fill in the gaps is highly beneficial. In addition to the information in my book, The Accidental Taxonomist, I teach various taxonomy training workshops

Coming up next, I will teach a full-day in-person workshop “Connecting Users to Content through Taxonomies: An Introduction to Taxonomy Design & Creation” on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in Philadelphia, as a pre-conference workshop to the Information Architecture Conference (with separate registration, not requiring full conference attendance).

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Talking about Taxonomies in India

I was thrilled to bring together my passions of my taxonomy profession, connecting with people, and international travel on my visit to India this month, my first time to this fascinating country.

I travel to speak about taxonomies at conferences and other events. I like to travel: to meet colleagues in this specialized field, in which I don’t have regular in-person interactions, and to see and learn about new places. Usually for me business travel is the primary purpose and seeing new places (museums or a walking tour of parts of a city) is secondary. However, for January 2025, I decided to choose a new country destination, India, primarily as a tourist, and then to add on some professional events.

Why visit India

Heather Hedden at the Taj Mahal

India is now the most populous country of the world, and I have met many Indians living and working in the U.S. and in Europe, especially in technology roles. So, I wanted to understand the country and culture better. India also has a long rich history and impressive historical structures to visit, tasty food, and different religions and traditions to learn about.

I have many professional connections in India, especially through LinkedIn, more than any other country outside North America and Europe. A few are taxonomists, some have taken my course, some have bought my book, and many have a significant number of shared contacts in my field. I had also made contacts through conferences.

Finally, the use of the English language in professional activities makes it easier for me to participate in events in India: giving presentations and listening to the presentations of others. I cannot simply give a presentation in English in any country.

Multiple presentations and meetings

Taxonomies are relevant to multiple disciplines: library and information science, content and document management, information architecture, knowledge management, and ontologies. To interact with professionals in these different fields, I had to arrange multiple presentations or meetups.

Library and information science students

I have occasionally been asked to give guest lectures on about taxonomies to library/information science school classes. Close to two years ago, a graduate student of library and information science in Bengaluru (Bangalore), Soumyakanta Barik, who had read my book, asked if I would give a guest lecture (remote) to his class of master’s degree students, which I did. Afterwards informed Soumyakanta that I was thinking of coming to India, so perhaps I might present again in person. Even though Soumyakanta had since graduated, he facilitated the contacts to make such a lecture possible, so I gave an update of my prior presentation “Tidbits of Taxonomies.”

Heather Hedden with LIS master's degree students at the Documentation Research and Training Centre of the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore

It turned out that this school of library and information science, the Documentation Research and Training Centre at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, had been founded by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, the developer of the first major faceted classification system in the world (whom I mention in my book and in a prior blog post on faceted classification) and the father of library science in India.

Taxonomists and ontologists

On LinkedIn, I had over 25 connections with the keyword “taxonomy” and 15 with “ontology” in their profiles located in Bengaluru India, so I didn’t want to limit my presentation in that city to just current students. At my request, the Documentation Research and Training Centre organized a second presentation for me to give later the same day to be open to the public. I presented on a slightly more advanced topic, “From Taxonomy to Ontology,” based on a recent presentation that I gave at the Henry Stewart Semantic Data conference. Although the day I chose to present turned out to be a (minor) holiday, I still had a good audience of close to 30 people.

Heather Hedden with Harish Betrabet and Dr. Sanju Tiwari in Noida

While I did not give that presentation again in Delhi, I did meet two ontologists two days later in the Delhi area (Noida), Dr. Sanju Tiwari, who had been involved in the Knowledge Graph Conference, and Harish Betrabet, an ontologist at Bechtel.

Knowledge managers

Taxonomy work often falls under knowledge management, especially in the area of consulting. Heather Hedden with Soumyakanta Barik and Ved Prakash in Bengaluru
I had noticed that one of my prominent LinkedIn contacts in India (with over 140 shared connections) was a leading knowledge management professional, Ved Prakash. Ved met with me and Soumyakanta for lunch my very first day in India. Ved and I have both been involved in Stan Garfield’s SIKM group of knowledge managers, and Ved invited me to now to join the KMGN (Knowledge Management Global Network) group on LinkedIn, which he leads. Knowledge management in India is more mature than the smaller field of taxonomies.

Academic librarians

Heather Hedden with Nabi Hasan and others at the Indian Instittue of Technology, Delhi

I interact with librarians through my membership in the Special Libraries Association (SLA), which has an active Taxonomy Community. At last year's annual SLA conference at the University of Rhode Island, several academic librarians from India, who have been very involved in SLA, participated in the conference and also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the SLA Asia chapter with an event which I attended. The director of the Central Library of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Nabi Hasan, invited to give a presentation, and then organized a full-day “International Workshop on Open Accessing Publishing” at IIT Delhi around my schedule. To tie taxonomies into the theme, I gave a new presentation “Semantic Standards and Methods for Information Linking.” The audience was not familiar with Semantic Web technologies, so I was pleased to present something new to them, which I hope they will take advantage of.

Former SLA president Seema Rampersad (working at the British Library in London) introduced me, at my request, to another library science professor at the University of Rajesthan in Jaipur, with whom I met on short notice the evening I was visiting that city as a tourist, and we discussed the state of library/information science study.

Technical writers and content managers

Heather Hedden presenting at the STC India event in Bengaluru

With the growth of technology industries and applications of technology in other manufacturing sectors in India, there are now many technical writers along with content/document managers. The Society for Technical Communications (STC) (of which I had previously been a member) has an active chapter in India, so I contacted STC India about organizing a speaking event for me, and I was very pleased that the STC volunteers organized events in both Bengaluru and the greater Delhi area (Noida) to fit my schedule.

Heather Hedden and other speakers and organizers of the STC India event in Noida
The events also each included additional different speakers. I gave the presentation “Indexes, Search, and Taxonomies: Path to Findability,” which I had presented as an STC webinar (not in a suitable time zone for India) in 2023. Taxonomies and indexing are new concepts to many technical writers, whether in the U.S. or India. (My STC contact, Manisha Sardana, will be happy to arrange an event for other visitors to Delhi who want to give an educational presentation.)

Finally, I even met a freelance indexer, a member of the American Society for Indexing, another organization I have belonged to, who attended the STC event in Noida at my invitation.


I gave more presentations than I initially intended on this trip, but that is partly due to the fact that taxonomies cross over into multiple fields. I then got to meet more people, build and strengthen relationships, and reflect on the field and applications of taxonomies more. The professional activities took three days, while sightseeing took 10 days of my two-week trip. I hope to add on a professional speaking event on future international tourist trips, although I cannot imagine any other country besides India that would offer so many opportunities.